I'm now in my final days as a Peace Corps volunteer. For the longest time I have dreamed of getting home and how great it will be and how I just can't wait to get there, but now that it's really close I'm finding that I'm actually really sad. I'm still excited and I can't wait to see my family and friends, but I'm really going to miss people here. Also, leaving Deivin's family and my host family are going to be really hard. I see the sadness in Deivin's mom and it breaks my heart. I know that she wants the best for her son and for him to be happy, but he's the first of her babies to leave her and I can tell that it will be a hard adjustment for her.
I'm finally done with all of my projects! Yesterday we had a beach clean up and hung up and moved around a bunch of signs that were all over the places to make things just a little more organized. Deivin made some new signs also that should help the Blue Flag group to get more stars in the coming year. La Palma and Guadalupe hosted the VIDA volunteers again! This is a group that organizes medical, dental and vet clinics that serve people in Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Panama. They bring students from the respective fields and they get hands on experience working with people and helping them to get free medical attention. They way it works is they have the students break up into small groups and for example the medical students work with a doctor and they do the interview with the patient, learn to take blood pressure, ask the right questions and they even learn to give shots though they only practice on each other. It's a really great program and the students really get a lot out of it.
Now Deivin and I have moved on from work to the various lunches, dinners, coffee times, etc that people are inviting us to. This part is always so stressful for me.
7 years ago