Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Golfing when you don’t know how

Yesterday I went golfing for the first time in probably 7 years and before that I’d only ever golfed a few times. I guess you could say I’m not really a golfer. But all that being said I had a really fun time. I was in a group of 4, me and 3 guys that I work with and it was so much fun. They didn’t seem to mind that I was horrible and they didn’t count my “swing and a miss” against me on my score. I would totally golf again, except I have no clubs. I don’t plan to up take golf as my next hobby, I’ll stick with soccer and racquetball until I can’t play those anymore.

While I’m thinking about soccer… Last summer, soccer in the valley was so much fun. I loved it, we played 3 times per week and it was good quality soccer. We were putting together good combinations, making solid passes, playing smart defense, etc. This summer, soccer is just not working out. Nobody wants to commit to playing and when we do show up we aren’t working hard and making the runs. Hopefully we’ll pull out of this slump soon and start playing some good soccer again, I know I need it. Aside from soccer not going so well, my summer has begun to turn around… More to come on fun in the Valley.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

The Sadness of an empty PO Box

Today I went to the Post Office all excited thinking that maybe my PC offer letter would have arrived. Sadly it has not. I think I'm going to have to limit the number of times I check per week, it's kind of a let down when the box is empty.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Idle Hands

I don’t think humans were meant to be bored. I think this may be the reason drugs came on the scene, a way to make the ordinary extraordinary (I don’t use drugs and I’m not encouraging it). Anyway, so I’ve had idle hands for some time now and it is a daunting task. I listen to NPR to stay current on the happenings in the world, I listen to music and maybe even bust out some awesome chair dancing in my cube, I look at online news, I listen to sermons, I look into my friends lives on facebook. Pretty much, I try and keep myself busy with stuff. But too much time to think can be a serious problem. You have time to think about everything under the sun. One of my main worries is that I’m becoming way to ego-centric. When you’re idle all by yourself you start to really focus on you, believe me, I don’t think the world revolves around me, I guess I’m just sick of myself. I would love to have some other things to focus on during the day, soon enough I suppose. I guess my point is that some time for self reflection is positive, too much, not so good, not healthy.

The other night at my Bible study we were talking a little bit about the book of Job in the old testament. I love Job so much, I love the trust that God had for him. I realize that Job’s entire world is wrecked, but just to know that God trusted him that much. God trusted that Job would not fold under the pressure. That is something to strive for, to be the kind of person that God could look at the devil and say “you won’t get him/her, their faith is unshakeable” now that’s something to achieve.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Dressing like a 12 year old

Today I managed to dress myself like a 12 year old. I rode my bike today and forgot to pack a different pair of shoes so that threw the whole thing off. Maybe you’re wondering, how could shoes somehow turn the outfit into that of a 12 year old? Well, the outfit is already kind of on the borderline anyway and then you throw in a pair of old running shoes and it goes over the edge. Every time I wear this outfit and wash it I think to myself “Laura, you should get rid of this. If Stacie and Clinton from What Not To Wear saw you they would totally bust you”. But in the end, for whatever reason, I don’t throw it away and in a moment of weakness after a sucky night of sleep I put it on. Again. Well I’m not even going to say that I’m going to get rid of it, I’m just going to try and restrict it to weekend around the house wear. Maybe dressing like a grown up will help me to become one…

So, here I am today. Another Monday that is following yet another Sunday of really bad sleep. I’m not sure what’s wrong with me, but I’m just not sleeping very well on Sunday nights. I’m going to try and not try to sleep next Sunday. Maybe that will help. Or the fact that I will have just played in a soccer tournament and will likely hurt a lot by Sunday night could help too…

Anyway, keep it classy Avon, Colorado!

Friday, July 18, 2008

Cry Babies

The other day I was working at my second job, my role that particular day was as a ticket taker. What did I do you may be wondering? I took tickets, it went something like this “Hello, do you have your ticket?” they would then give me their ticket and get their food. So I was pretty stationary, not a whole lot of movement involved. At the table directly in front of me there was a family with a little girl who was probably three and a half. This little girl was pretty on it, had her parent wrapped around her little finger. As I’m watching the interaction between parents and child I see that the little girl refuses to eat anything but cookies, the parents attempted to make her eat real food, but when it looks like little girl is about to really throw down a tantrum they drop it and little girl starts running about. During this little scamper around the table said little girl trips and falls and starts to cry, the parents can only think of one way to comfort this little girl and that’s with a cookie. Talk about positive reinforcement for a negative action! This little girl took one look at the cookie and all the tears were gone. Now I’m no super nanny, but I’m pretty sure that they handled that really badly. I think the true problem lies in the fact that the parents probably don’t usually take care of the child, she probably has a nanny and this was said nanny’s vacation. Anyway, any of you out there with kids, don’t reward crying with cookies, you will turn you kid into a cry baby and nobody likes a cry baby. Instead from the start when your kid falls, clap and say “oh, wow! What a big boy/girl” then they learn that it’s okay to fall down and they don’t cry for cookies. Just a thought.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

PC Application

Good News on the Peace Corps application process, the blood test conundrum has been resolved and the hold has been lifted from my application, I’m moving again!!!! The next step from here will be an official offer letter that should have a country and a date! Those of you who have talked to me in the last few months know that I was ready to leave 6 months ago, so the sooner the better.

I recently took on a second job doing banquet serving for 4 Eagle Ranch in Wolcott, I’m loving it so much up there since during my entire shift I get to speak Spanish with my fellow workers. This job has really helped me realize how much I missed speaking Spanish and how much fulfillment it brings. Now who would have thought? Well, I should have, what’s wrong with me? There was a reason I lived in Spain for a year and there was a reason I got a degree in Spanish, duh to me! But I’d rather figure all of this out now rather than 8 years from now. Life’s path is pretty curvy and you just may encounter a traffic circle or two...

Monday, July 14, 2008

I'm baaack

Alaska… Let me just say that I really loved Alaska and looking back, had I been a little smarter would have planned on moving there for the remainder of the summer. Hmmm, next time I suppose. I had a great time with Bob and her husband and we had the hook up where ever we went. I feel really blessed by my great friends. I’m not mentally prepared to write all about the trip, though in the coming weeks I just may have enough time to do it. Once I get it together on the pictures I’ll post some of my favorites.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

My Best Good Friend

YAY!!! I'm going to see my best good friend for a full week! Bob is a total freak and we just can't help but have a great time together. I believe that each person has a certain level of freak in them and that freak can manifest its self in different ways. Bob and I have the same type of freak and it comes out in the same way. Our freak is manifested into total dork and I love it, there is no better way to have a great time than to just not care what anyone around you is thinking. What's that, you don't think I'm cool, wealthy, smart, funny, etc? Well nobody asked and last time I checked nobody really cares! YAY, I can't wait to be an open freak for a week. Wow, for people who don't know me that could be a TMI, but for those who do know me, you're nodding your head in agreement and thinking "yep, that's spot on", HAHA, well have a great week everyone and let your freak flag fly, I know I will!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008


I just now got excited for my trip to Alaska. I'll be leaving tomorrow and can't wait to see my friend Bob (a girl) and the Christal. Chirstal and I became friends in Spain where we went to school together for 9 months. We are kind of an odd couple and without Spain I don't know that either of us would have given the other a chance, but she has become a dear dear friend to me. Bob and I were and intant match. We both love to laugh and laugh and laugh. I love hanging around with her because we just can't seem to have a bad time together, even if what we're doing happends to suck. I can't wait to see them both!!!!