So, I have this idea floating around in my head, it’s an idea that I’ve really lived by for the last probably 7 years or so. The idea is that everything can be explained, that you can work through anything and that there is no reason for anyone to get hurt. I know right? Naïf. The whole problem with my little idea is that it’s solely based on logic and unfortunately, human beings are emotional.
I fear that I recently hurt somebody in my life. The last thing that I wanted to do was to hurt this person and in my mind, logically I think to myself “I can make them understand, if I can only have the chance to explain, I can make then understand”. The truth is, I have zero control over how this person has reacted or would react to me if I did have the chance to explain myself. Emotions run very deep and past hurts cannot be healed with eloquent words. In the end, the entire outcome of any situation rests upon the emotions of the people involved. If you’re a more logical thinker, you can generally think yourself through it and come to some sort of conclusion that satisfies you. If you’re an emotional thinker, you will see how you feel and base your reaction and subsequent reactions on that. I’m coming to the realization that there’s nothing I can do, there is no way that I can fix the situation and I need to learn to be okay with that. After all, we can’t control others, we can only control ourselves. My lessons from this situation will be many, but for now what I can say is this: I never wanted to hurt anyone, things just happened and I pray to God that somehow, someway, he can bless this situation and take the hurt and turn it into something beautiful. God is the only solution.
7 years ago