Monday, April 12, 2010

Vacationing with Mom and Dad.

I haven't really had the chance to blog for a really long time and I'm going to go ahead and blame it on my mom and dad. Since they arrived we have been super busy having tons of fun doing lots of activities that leave me totally exhausted at the end of the day. During our time in La Palma we went on Costa Rican fishing adventures with my host family, a tour of Corovado national park, snorkeling in Los Mogos, a nocturnal insect tour, lots of days at the beach in Jimenez, a day playing in the water at playa blanca in La Palma, and more. My parents got to meet and spend a lot of time with Deivin. Deivin really liked them and was sad to say goodbye and they both really liked him so that was nice. We taught Deivin how to play Cribbage (in English) and he loves. After about a day and a half of only eating Tico food both mom and dad agreed that that was enough. I just thought, ha, try 9 months straight of it with no option of escape!

We are currently staying in Dominical at a really nice place on the beach. I can't imagine a more beautiful beach, there are waves breaking on the rocks, surfers and lots of natural beauty. I highly recommend Dominical. There are options for all kinds of budgets. We're going to stay here for another night before we head on North.

In other news, I've just about hit the half way mark of my Peace Corps service. Just a couple more days and I hit the down hill stretch. My official second year begins May 28th. Time really goes by fast!

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