Monday, August 18, 2008

And things begin to fall into place…

In a previous post I posed the question of whether or not I should have ever left Billings. I was thinking at the time that I had somehow ended up off track when I left MT and that it was where I should go ASAP. Well, after thinking about if further and as I continue to watch God working, I’m definitely seeing God’s plan at work. Had I been in Montana, I would not have been around to watch my nephew grow. Had I been in Montana, I would have not have met many of the great friends that have strengthened and encouraged me. Had I stayed in Montana, maybe I would not have never applied for the Peace Corps. Bottom line, even though the past few years have been difficult at times, they were worth it. I’ve learned so much and continue to learn so much. For the first time ever, I belong to a church that I love, a place that I love and that has supported me. It feels like time has started to fly by. Today I looked at the calendar and it said it was August 18. The summer is almost gone and any day now I’ll receive my Peace Corps offer letter. I can’t believe it. Life is such an intricate web. I’m grateful to be right where I am and I trust that God has been with me and will continue to be with me where ever I go.

1 comment:

SchuckFamily said...

I, for one, am very glad you ended up in Avon :).