Monday, August 25, 2008

Watching God work

I believe that God is constantly at work in our lives. Yesterday at a morning church service I watched God take a random girl who had just moved to the Valley by the hand an lead her right into a new group of friends. I’m sure she had come to church that morning expecting the usual service and then expecting to leave and go home. Instead, God showed up and got her plugged in instantly with a group of young women her age in the church (I’m one of those women). I’m excited to get to know her and I know how much it will mean for her to have a group of women to hang out with. God is good, he’s in both the big and the small. I don’t doubt that there was purpose in meeting that woman yesterday, and I don’t doubt that there has been purpose throughout my time in the Valley. And to think, I thought it was a mistake to have ever come here! I guess sometimes our vision can become clouded by our present state of happiness. God never promised happiness, if we can just hang on through the hard times and keep an eternal perspective, in the end it’s all worth it. Sometimes we have to walk through fire to know just how strong we are and also to learn, so that we can then share. Imagine if everything in life were easy… There would be no art, poetry or music, you wouldn’t appreciate good because you wouldn’t know what good was (because everything would be good). It would be totally unfulfilling.

1 comment:

Megan said...

I love your insight here! It's so true that a lot of the time we can't see how God is using some time/something in our life until awhile later, yet another reminder that His plan is ultimately better than our own and we just have to trust Him when things aren't going as we thought and/or wished. I can't wait to see what He has in store for you with the Peace Corps and whatever else He brings your way!

Also, on my trip I stayed in Billings for a night, I thought of you while I was around your old stomping grounds. I miss you my intern-buddy! Hope you're well.