Monday, August 4, 2008

Took it all Gone

In my house growing up there was a commonly sung song called “took it all gone”. Looking back, I realize my mom is really funny. Whenever my brother or myself would finish the box of cereal, my mom would break into a rendition of the song going something like this “Laura took it all gone, Laura took it all gone” or “Jeffey took it all gone, Jeffey took it all gone”. Being 3 years younger, I loved the song, but my brother hated it and would start to yell at my mom when she started singing it. It was a battle that took place often. My mom eventually decided to compromise with my brother and only sing the song to me when I had taken the last of the cereal, but in the end it just made my brother mad that he was no longer getting a song. That was a lose lose for my mom. I suppose my brother had been hearing the song for an additional 3 years compared to me and was sick of it. I just used to bop my head to the song and enjoy. There was however a song that I didn’t like, it was how my mom would wake me up in the morning. She would lift the blinds and sing “Good morning to Warwa, Good morning to Warwa”. I have always hated being woken up, I don’t think it was the songs fault. My dad had a different style for waking me up in the morning that I hated way more than the song. He would open my door and flick the light on and off and say “wake up, wake up, wake up”. It makes me feisty just thinking about it right now. I think the moral to my story today is: Don’t wake me up, I hate it.


Anonymous said...

That is sooo funny, Jeff told me about the "Took it all gone" song and how much he hated it. I think the word 'feisty' is a family saying. When we were dating Jeff would call me feisty pants whenever we would get into an argument and it would throw me into a fury! I don't think I have ever heard someone use that word.

Laura said...

That is soooo funny that he called you feisty pants. When my dad got mad at me I used to say "excuse me Mr. feisty Pantys, have you seen Johno anywhere, when he gets back will you tell him I'm looking for him". We all used to call each other feisty pants when someone started to lose it. That's so funny! Are you going to blog?!?!?

Anonymous said...

I prefer to read other peoples blogs, but I do have some things I wouldn't mind blogging about, I have no idea how to set it up.