Sunday, July 26, 2009

La Sabana

Today I went to a park in San Jose called la Sabana. It was filled with everything I love. There were people everywhere running, biking, roller skating, playing soccer, walking and picnicking. It was beautiful. There must have been 20 soccer games both formal and informal. There was a free outdoor aerobics class that must have had 50+ people participating. It was so awesome. This park is full of giant trees and even has a little pond. I loved it. It really made me miss the Colorado and Washington park.


Rebecca said...

Ohhhhh.....COLLLOOOOORRRADDDDDOOO!! Can we reminisce together over Colorado in August?!?!?! I miss it, and the lifestyles of the people in it like you wouldn't believe!

Laura said...

Yes and lets look at pics of it too. I miss is soooo much. Let's talk about it so much that we make the others sick!

Laura said...

Yes and lets look at pics of it too. I miss is soooo much. Let's talk about it so much that we make the others sick!