Wednesday, October 28, 2009

I'm just going to go ahead and say it, I hate rice!

Okay, I do, I hate rice. I don't care what the rest of the world says, I've never really liked rice. Ever since I was little I've only liked rice one way with milk, butter, sugar and cinnamon. That's a tasty breakfast all warm and delicious. So, back to my hate for rice, here in Costa Rica it just so happens that rice is eaten as the main part of every meal. I'm not exaggerating. It's seriously the base of every meal and sometimes it makes me really angry. I'm laughing as I write this because the irony of it all is just too much. Okay, when I eat at places like Chipolet or Moes Southwest where they have awesome burritos; when I placed my order I always said “no rice please”. So that you know, I didn't eat it before I came here, I don't like sushi and I almost never go out for Chinese food, why, because I hate rice. Now that you all know that, recently in one of my English classes we were learning “I'm going” so learning the simple future tense. One of the activities was that we were going on a picnic and then we would go around the class and say “I'm going to bring ...”. So I started and then had my class go. Maurice says “I'm going to bring rice and beans”. I just looked at him and said “I'm sorry, you can't come to my picnic” (joking of course). Then we got into a conversation about the rice and beans and I asked them “do you guys seriously like rice and beans, I mean really like, you're serious”? They all said that they did, they like it, they really like it. Unbelievable. I'm shocked, I just can't imagine a day when I'm going to say, wow, get me some rice and beans. I don't mind the beans by the way. I am sick of only ever eating one type, I would love to switch it up a little, not just white rice with black beans. What's wrong with red beans? And, if we're eating pasta, why not skip the rice? Or, when we're eating potatoes, why not pass on the rice? I know I'd be okay with it.

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