Thursday, September 3, 2009

more from training

Training is going really well. I have a ton of new ideas for my site, most of them center around computers. In my town there is currently only dial-up internet (which is pretty much the same as not having internet) and only one computer available for the people to use. This means that if people really want or need to use the internet they need to travel to Jimenez the closest town with internet which is about an hour away. So, they have to pay for the bus ride to Jimenez and then pay in Jimenez to use the internet in an internet cafe, but, because my area has a ton of tourists, using the internet here cost more than double per hour than using the internet in San Jose. It's not cool. So picture you're a high school student who has an assignment that needs to be typed and then printed out. You have to pay round trip bus fare, then you have to pay for the time spent on the internet, then you have to pay for the print outs, in the end it's a lot of money and it's not like in the states where high school kids can have jobs. So, you see the problem. The high school of my town already has plans to bring computers which is great, but it's still 2k from La Palma center and it would just be for the high school kids. I want to work with the elementary school to get them a computer lab and also with the towns development association to try and have a free computer lab for the community (these are very common in CR and there is a program in place, all you need is a building and then the CR government will provide the computers and support). I'm really excited about the possibilities that the technology will bring to La Palma. If people can learn to use computers and the internet they will have education, information and all kinds of possibilities at their finger tips.

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