Wednesday, September 2, 2009

I'm totally going to beat the ants

In the ant war, I think I've won! There are still a few running around but their forces have been knocked back a lot and I think if I keep up the attack eventually they will give up.
In other really happy news, I'm at IST (in service training)! This is the training once you've been 3 months in site and it's a really great time to see friends and re-charge a bit. I have missed having friends so much. Never under estimate how nice it is to be able to just chat or play with people who you understand and who understand you. It's great and I'm really happy to be here. Also, the food is great. We get to stay at a place in the mountains that is beautiful and has cold nights. I miss cold nights! I have definitely felt a lot of homesickness and this is a little rest from that.
More than just playing and joking around together, IST is a good time for us to have some training with fresh eyes. Our training before was great, but did not have a lot of context. We had no idea where we were going, who we would be working with or what programs would be needed. Now we know and it's nice to see how I can directly use the training in my site. More to come on that.

You may have noticed that I don't have pictures anymore. My camera has walked away from me so probably until Christmas I will have to rely on my friends here for pics, so hopefully soon!

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