Monday, November 9, 2009

Back in Acosta for a couple of days

I'm back in Acosta for a couple of days and it feels so good. I missed my host family here so much. It's strange that I only lived with them for a month and a half and yet my bond with them is so strong. My host mom has saved me twice now. The first time she saved me was from a really bad living situation with another host family, things just didn't work out and I was soooo stressed out living with them. When I moved in with her it was like I could breathe for the first time since arriving in Costa Rica. The second time was after my little shingles out break and my time in the hospital. I was so weak after 6 days of IV antibiotics and antivirals. The treatment killed the staph infection and prevented the virus from making me blind, but it also seriously damaged the rest of my body. I was so weak and tired and sick and my host mom took care of me for a week or so until I felt strong enough to go back to La Palma. So, needless to say, I really love my host mom and family in Acosta. I have missed the mountains and the cooler weather, it's so nice to be back.

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