Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Idle Hands

I don’t think humans were meant to be bored. I think this may be the reason drugs came on the scene, a way to make the ordinary extraordinary (I don’t use drugs and I’m not encouraging it). Anyway, so I’ve had idle hands for some time now and it is a daunting task. I listen to NPR to stay current on the happenings in the world, I listen to music and maybe even bust out some awesome chair dancing in my cube, I look at online news, I listen to sermons, I look into my friends lives on facebook. Pretty much, I try and keep myself busy with stuff. But too much time to think can be a serious problem. You have time to think about everything under the sun. One of my main worries is that I’m becoming way to ego-centric. When you’re idle all by yourself you start to really focus on you, believe me, I don’t think the world revolves around me, I guess I’m just sick of myself. I would love to have some other things to focus on during the day, soon enough I suppose. I guess my point is that some time for self reflection is positive, too much, not so good, not healthy.

The other night at my Bible study we were talking a little bit about the book of Job in the old testament. I love Job so much, I love the trust that God had for him. I realize that Job’s entire world is wrecked, but just to know that God trusted him that much. God trusted that Job would not fold under the pressure. That is something to strive for, to be the kind of person that God could look at the devil and say “you won’t get him/her, their faith is unshakeable” now that’s something to achieve.

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