Sunday, May 10, 2009

Site Assignment Day

Hello Everyone and I have some really really awesome news for you. Friday was our site assignment day, the day when we find out where we will be for the next two years. This is a huge day for a Peace Corps Trainee, for the past 2+ Months we have been training and training for this and at this point it's so close we can taste it! Well, let me give you a little background on the site selection process. Our bosses go around the country and talk to different communities that have requested a Peace Corps Volunteer, they work with the community to see what their needs are, if the community is safe for the volunteer, etc. Well, they work on site development for a really long time and then we arrive and they begin to train us and get to know us and ask us what we would like to do and what we are looking for in a community, they then try to match us up with a community. This could be pretty tricky as you can imagine. I mean, here you have 50 different people all with a different idea of what they want and they try their best to make happen for everyone.
So, my site is La Palma on the Oso Peninsula!!!! I could not be happier. I'm located a 15 min walk from the beach and I will be living in my own cabina with my own bathroom. I could not be happier, this is perfect. YAY!!!!!! I am so happy about my placement and the projects that I'll be working on. I'll be replacing a current volunteer named Matt who will be in site with me for the first 3 months. Okay, this is all I have time for, but I'm going to visit my site for a week this Thursday and will post lots of pics of my future home! Yay, this is so perfect.

This is my Acosta training group, we are all going to opposite sides of CR. We are all really happy with where we are going, but sad to be so far apart.


SchuckFamily said...

Yay for the beach!!

Sharon said...

Yay! Laura I'm so happy that your prayers (and ours) were answered in a mighty way for your assignment. Happy moving day!


Anonymous said...

Ah- my friend!!! God works in amazing ways! What a blessing- I'm so happy for you and excited to see God work wonders with you there! Miss you Love you! Bless you! - Candy

Jenny Schlenker said...

Congrats Laura! That is awesome, miss you!