Sunday, December 12, 2010
Okay, so it was cloudy and cool today so I decided to go for a walk to the beach at 8:00am. I leave my house and haven't taken 3 steps when I hear someone yelling my name. I looked and found the person near the back of my house. He's a neighbor and I know him so it's no problem. So, I ask him whats going on and he and this other guy are chasing this rooster around and they want me to help them because the rooster is on my side of the fence. I hate the chickens. They make this weird moaning sounds all of the time and they're creepy. So I find the rooster and start to chase it and notice too late that it has a rope on its foot and I only needed to step on the rope, but, it had gone to the other side of the fence.
Once I got back from my run I was in my house doing some cleaning and stepped outside for a sec and see my other neighbor running around looking really happy. He sees me and yells “Laura, we're making a ping pong table!” he was sooooooo happy. I was took, I would love to play some ping pong. So, we I yelled something like “awesome, I can't wait”!
Today is a good day!
P.S. This happened on Friday. I told Deivin about the rooster chasing and he said this "Laura, you don't have to do everything that Pena (my neighbor) says, you don't have to chase the rooster". It totally made me crack up! Love it.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
The Teleton 2010
When I was given 12 big cans with slots in the top and told by Ruth the area director that we needed to fill them up I was not really sure how. We put them out in the different businesses so that people could donate, but they were really empty when Anna one of the other leaders and also my host sister in law went to check on them. So, on Wednesday; Anna, Gregory, Sary and I started hitting the streets Thursday and Friday and then organized Saturday as our big day when we would go to the town center and stop cars and have the kids bang drums and blow whistles and ask for money for the teleton. It was awesome! The kids were really excited and you could see that they were really taking ownership of it. They became somewhat possessive over their "alcancia" or can and would compare with each other "mine's heavier, look Laura, mine is the heaviest". There was even a girl who was helping her grandma cook for a church activity who asked if she could come with us to raise money. By the end of the day she had joined the scouts and was really excited to have been able to raise money for the kids. So, after working all day on Saturday we opened up our cans to count and we were all really excited to be able to report that we had raised 308,000 Colones! That's like $600 which is a lot for a little town. When I reported what we had raised to Ruth the area director she was really happy and told me that there were groups that had been formed for years that didn't raise that much. I was so proud of my kids at that moment.
So, after all was counted and reported we went home to watch the rest of the teleton. Group after group was going up and showing a giant check of what they had raised and they were doing testimonials from kids who had benefited from the teleton in the past (these were seriously heart wrenching stories). I started to get a little worried that I had missed the Scouts presenting what they had raised because it was getting so late. When they presented the Scouts they brought up the head guy from San Jose and like 6 kids to present the check for all of the Scouts all over Costa Rica and the amount was 125,000,000! After they revealed the amount Anna yelled to me through our shard wall "Laura, did you hear! We did it! This is great!", I yelled back “ I know, this is so cool”. It was such a great moment to know that I was able to be apart of something really great. The next day people were telling me how good they felt about having helped and I even had a neighbor stop by and ask if they could donate more!
Here are some things I learned: People who have less almost always give more. Those cruising around in their nice cars wouldn't even stop sometimes while those on bikes with no breaks and a wooden seat would stop to give. It feels good to give, to know that you were involved in something that helped those who need it most. Get involved! Help others to help others.
Monday, November 29, 2010
Nothing much
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Okay, that all happened a long time ago. Here is a more recent update, I'm currently in San Jose. I was celebrating Thanksgiving with some other volunteers and an embassy family that was nice enough to invite 6 of us to eat and stay with them in their home. They were very nice and incredibly generous. If going into the foreign services didn't mean constant travel I would want to join just so I could work with the type of people that I have met at the embassy over the past year and a half. I'll be in San Jose until Tuesday or Wednesday. I needed a bit of a break from La Palma so this was a nice chance to get away.
I promise not to be so bad at blogging!
Friday, October 22, 2010
Spay and Neuter Your Pets Update
On a personal note, last weekend I made a big batch of beans. I have got so many, it's incredible. For two dollars you can eat for weeks! It's an experiment, I think next time I might just make half a bag and then wait a few weeks for the other half but beans are a super food. I've actually been making Gallo Pinto lately and liking it! I'm turning tica. Sadly, Deivin doesn't like beans and is not so into the change. You can't win them all I guess.
Monday, October 18, 2010
Scouts update!
In other news, my english is horrible! Every time I re-read a blog post or my facebook status update I notice that I'm making all the mistakes that my students are making. I think it's getting worse and worse. I'm not really sure how to stop this free fall. I'm always reading and I watch some tv and movies in english, but it's no use! So, if you read this and think, wow, she is really bad at English, know that I was better before!
Thursday, October 7, 2010
We want you to give a talk to the kids...
In other news, for those of you who don't know, I now have internet in my house!!!! I have 24/7 internet and am really happy about it. This should mean more blogs and sadly, it means that I spend a ton of time on facebook. I'm trying to keep it in check.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Life on the Osa
I have been working on getting my ducks in a row for the visa application for Deivin. I first have to file a lot of paperwork with the USCIS which takes around 6 months and then we begin the process of working with the Embassy here. It's pretty complicated, but, luckily this is not my first rodeo with international paperwork/visa applications. I had to go through this to go to Spain for a year in college and also go get into the Peace Corps. I know it's do-able I just hate actually doing it. Thankfully I've had internet access at home for a couple of days which has made that a lot easier.
Next Tuesday I'll be heading to San Jose for my second and last All Volunteer Conference. This is a time when all the volunteers from all over CR get to hang out together and have some training for a week. Last year it was a lot of fun and I think this year will be the same. It's always good to see friends and be able to hang out. Also, we get to share whatever movies and shows we have downloaded which is huge and I spend lots of time watching movies and tv when there is nothing else to do. It's pretty funny, I went from a fan of current events and news to Gossip Girl... Not sure how that happened.
After AVC I will be heading to Palmar which is another town in the south where I was invited to come and teach a group of women how to make the hand bags out of wrappers. That should be fun! Other than that things are pretty calm. I'm keeping busy with Guias y Scouts and the clinics and whatever other little projects pop up.
Friday, September 17, 2010
Guias y Scouts
I may have yet again found a way to have easier access to internet, I know I've said this before, but this time I think it's for real. One of the professors at the high school lives in the cabinas where I live and he has and internet zip drive. He only uses it after school so it looks like I might have access to it during the day. I'm hopeful.
I've been a little bored lately, it hits me harder right now because I don't have a good book to read. I'll be in SJ in less than 2 weeks and can find a bunch of good ones then. Thats about it for me.
P.S. Due to an extremely slow download there will be no pics...
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Riding the bus today....
I arrived at the bus stop at 5:30am and waited for my bus to come which didn't come until 6:00 (this is pretty normal). I take this bus all the time and have never had to stand so I never worry about buying a ticket. Today, this proved to be a tragic mistake. As the bus pulled up I noticed it was unusually full. As I went in the bus I started to look for a seat, I saw a seat and asked the lady if anyone was sitting there and she said no so I thought, wow, that was lucky and sat down. Some 3 min later after all the other open seats on the bus were taken a lady gets on the bus and tells me to get out of her seat. Thanks a lot other lady for telling me it was open and taking my chance at a seat. So, I moved to back of the bus and tried to find a nice place to stand because I'm looking at standing on this bus for the next 5 hours. Not cool. So, on we go and after about 10 min a guy gets up and leaves the bus. I feel like I had just won the lottery. I walk up the aisle and feeling really happy until my happiness is somewhat, how to say, squashed. I look in the seat and it looks like I'll be sharing my seat with half a person. Yes, I will now be traveling for the next 5 hours with a very, very large person who takes up all of their seat and half of mine. What can you do? The answer is nothing. I tried to take my spot on the seat and felt grateful that the person was soft and not hard and settled in for the ride. I'll leave my story there. There is no real point, I was just really squished and hot today, but I know my seat partner was too. We all made it and I was more than grateful that today I was only going half way.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
It finally happened!
In Spay and Neuter your pet clinics.... Yesterday I held my 4th clinic in La Palma and things went very smoothly. We have now spayed of neutered 61 cats and dogs. I'm trying to come up with ways for this to continue when I go. I know the town in counting on another volunteer, but I don't think one will be placed here again for a while so I need to try and come up with something.
In other news... Last month Deivin went to one of the bigger towns near us to apply for his passport and yesterday it arrived in the mail. Now we're moving on to Visa applications (a much more difficult process). I'm doing my best to make sure I have all my ducks in a row with both Deivin and Tigre so that when May hits we can all leave together. Yesterday, poor Tigre had to have 2 vaccines and she was not happy about it, but, it's the only way she can come with me so we are making it happen. Laura +2.
Sunday, August 22, 2010
More clinics....
In other news, I have finally figured out how to make the coin purses out of recycled coffee and chip bags and am currently teaching people here how to do it. The hope is that this will be an income generating activity in the community. It's a pretty time consuming process so my hope is that for every 10 people that I teach maybe 1 will take to it and actually make them. I'm going to teach Deivin's family how to make them as wells so they can begin to sell them in the hotel down the road from them. Hopefully at least one person will make and sell them.
For the past couple of months we have been officially in the rainy season. Last year we really didn't have one at all, I think it rained for 2 weeks and that was it. Now, it's raining almost everyday and we have had many days when it rains all day long. I really prefer this as it makes it a lot cooler. I've even been cold a few times! I think it was around July that my body finally acclimated to the heat, previous to that I was a nonstop sweat factory and always hot, now I feel pretty normal. Thank God that happened, other wise it would have been 2 pretty uncomfortable years.
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Hello Everyone!!!
Almost as soon as I got back I had people calling me about english classes and Guias y Scouts. It turned out there was a Guias y Scouts training in a week in the nearest city (5 hours away) and they wanted me to go. I didn't want to go, but I knew it would be valuable so I went. Also, the Micro finance bank called me to see if I would go to another training right after the Guias y Scouts training for 4 days. It was really the last thing that I wanted to do, but so it happens in the life of a volunteer. So, all of that is to say that I'm just now back and still after 2 weeks here trying to get back into the swing of things. I have a ton of work to do with Guias y Scouts and 2 spay and neuter your pet clinics coming up in August plus I may be starting Junior Achievement in the high school which is a program that teaches basic business skills and how to open a business to high schoolers. I'm wondering how I'm going to make it all happen, but I'm sure it will work out. That's pretty much it for me, I'm hoping to not leave La Palma until the next Peace Corps activity in late September. I'm ready to be in one place for a while.
Friday, July 30, 2010
Back in CR
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Being Home
1. Hot showers are really nice, but they become really normal really fast.
2. I never noticed it before, but almost all of the houses in my neighborhood have really nice yards and flowers, I just never noticed this before.
3. Americans have a ton of stuff. I was on Craig's list the other day looking at the free section and was amazed at all the stuff on there. We just have soooo much stuff available that we have to give it away!
4. We eat a LOT of meat here, it's crazy.
5. I miss Deivin and Tigre a lot.
6. I'm sad to leave, but really happy to get back and finish out my service. I have some great projects and great people to work with so my attitude is, let's get to it and finish strong.
That was just a quick recap. Life it good and it's great to see lot's of great friends and hangout a ton with my family. Nephews are great!
Friday, July 9, 2010
Guias y Scouts Update
We will be having our official swearing in ceremony on August 29!!!! On this day the regional director of Guias y Scouts will come to La Palma and we will take our official oath and they will give us our leader/board of directors patch. I can't tell you how excited I am to wear my Guias y Scouts uniform and stand with my group as we are presented to the community. It will be a great day. The same day we will have activities for kids and we will begin signing kids up. I can't wait to see how it all goes and I know that we are going to have far more kids interested than we have leaders for, but, it will all even out after a while. I can't say enough about my board of directors group as well as my group of leaders. Over the past almost year I have really gotten to know them and am excited to see how they work together as a group (especially once I get out of the way). As a volunteer I'm always thinking and worrying about sustainability and with Guias y Scouts I feel confident that this will stick. So that's Guias y Scouts for now. As soon as I have pics from the swearing in I'll post them. At the moment my host mom is making me the uniform pants and one of the leaders is picking me up a shirt, I'll just need to sew on my patches! Who knew I'd be so excited about a uniform...
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Spay and Neuter your pets clinic #1
Friday, July 2, 2010
I have a lot of updating to do.....
I'm currently in the United States and loving life!!!! I arrived yesterday at noon. My parents picked me up at the airport and we went straight to Red Robin for a really tasty hamburger (I love the USA). I then got to take an nap while watching Days of Our Lives and then went to see my brother, sister in law and my two adorable nephews. It was such a great day!
Okay, I have huge updates work wise, but I really want to sit down and type it out and ad pics and such so I'm going to save that for tomorrow. Just know that the spay and neuter you pet clinics have been hugely successful and I'm really very excited about it! I'll write more tomorrow.
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Project updates....
Guias y Scouts are coming along really well. We had our final training for the board of directors last week and now we are preparing for our final training for the leaders. I'm hoping that within the next 2 months we'll be ready for some kids. I was thinking of trying to find a grant to pay for all of the uniforms for both the kids and adults. Each uniform is about 4,000 colones, which is around 8 dollars, that may sound like very little to you, but the reality is that here at the end of the month most families have 0 left over. It's a pay check to pay check life for most so throwing 8 dollars which here is more like 30 is a pretty big burden. I'm hoping to make is possible for all of the kids to have the uniform (they can join with or without it).
Computers....I'm not hopeful.
English classes are going really well. Last night we listened and translated a song (which is always a hit). They loved it and hopefully they learned some new vocab. My students are lots of fun and though we don't always stick to the book, they are learning a lot. The hard part is getting them to talk. I honestly don't know how to teach that. I learned how to speak Spanish in Spain because I had to. I lived with a family and if I wanted something, anything, I had to speak Spanish. They all want to learn how to speak, but it's hard because I learned, but only by living in a Spanish speaking country. I think it is possible, just really difficult. Hopefully we get there.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Quick updates:
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Faces and Places # 5 - Meet Tigre!!!!

This is Tirgre my new little kitty. I have a really cute video of her playing in a box and will post is next time I have the cable to my camera so I can transfer it. Tigre was brought to me by my host nephew who found her in the street. Apparently she had been dumped there since she was a female (nobody wants kittens and nobody spays their animals). So, he brought her to me and I couldn't resist her, she's just too cute and she was soooooo young. She was taken away from her mother much too early. Anyway, I've had her now for a month or so and she has become a really great cat. When I walk through the gate towards my house she runs to meet me and now she follows me everywhere I go around the house and yard. I'm planning on taking her with me when I leave so don't worry and also, she has an appointment to be spayed in June when she will be old enough. Which, brings me to my next and newest project, I'm currently organizing a spay and neuter your pets project for La Palma. There is a vet in Jimenez who is willing to come to La Palma for the day, sadly, it's pretty expensive to spay or neuter your pet here. I was really lucky last week to come across a donor and we are going to be able to have the clinic at a very low cost. I've been telling everyone I meet in my community that it will only cost 2.000 colones (4 dollars) per animal and everyone gets excited and asks to be signed up. Depending on how the clinic goes, I'm hoping to be able to hold a clinic every 2 or 3 months so that the puppies and kittens that are too young right now can be taken care of before they become pregnant. Hopefully this will help to reduce our street dog population and the lower the number of kittens thrown away. Depending on how the clinic, you should consider being a donor for the next (hint, hint), I'll keep you all posted.
Friday, April 23, 2010
Faces and Places of La Palma #4 – Meet Oscar

Faces and Places # 4 – Meet Oscar!
Oscar has lived at the cabinas where I live for the past 5 years or so. He is a taxi driver in La Palma, but not in the sense of I drive a marked car kind of taxi driver. He drives a big truck which he's put some wood slats down as seats and then he put a tarp over the top in case it's too sunny or it rains. Oscar was my first friend in La Palma. When I was going through a hard time in the beginning (see shingles blog) he was always there for me to talk to and he always put himself into my shoes before he said anything. He's been a great friend. Each night Oscar's 14 year old son comes to the cabinas and they sit together and talk for a couple of hour and then Oscar walks his son home. On more than one occasion Oscar has told me that he really doesn't like La Palma and that he would like to leave, but he's waiting until his son is grown because as he told me, now is the most important time for him to be with his son. That's being a parent! Oscar is surprisingly philosophical and it's not hard to have a deep conversation with him (this is rare!). As my biggest competition for the hammock, we have come to an agreement. I get the hammock pretty much all day and he gets it in the evening/night. It works out well since most of my activities are at night.
Project update:
Everything is pretty much the same, computers some day, Guias y Scouts in the near future, English is on going. I do have a couple of new projects on the horizon that I'm really excited about! First, one of my friends in the community told me that she was looking into calling in the vet to do a spay and neuter clinic in La Palma. The price is about $16 per animal for the operation and then another $14 for the medications. There are very few people in my community who can afford to spend 30 dollars on a cat or dog, most animals are lucky to see dog/cat food in their lifetime. So, I got to thinking, there has got to be another way. I'm in the process of seeing how I can fund raise so that we would be able to do the clinic for free for everyone. I spoke to some people in town and they all agree that if we do the clinic for free there will be hundreds of animals taken care of. What a difference this would make! So, I'm going to see what I can do.
Next, I've been loosely working with a woman's group that does recycling and that once had a building and a library and tourist center. Some time ago their building was burned down and they have kind of stayed in tact since, but they have really been struggling. Just recently we sold food at the fiestas of La Palma and were able to make enough money in one weekend to re-build their old building and we worked 2 weekends. So, I'm going to be working with them on bringing in books for a library and also some marketing for the tourist center. It's an exciting development and the ladies are really excited about it. That's it for now.
Monday, April 19, 2010
Bye mom and dad :(

From Dominical we moved on to La Fortuna where we saw the Volcan Arenal. If you are heading to Costa Rica, you have to see this volcano! It's active and we were lucky enough to be able to see the lava flowing and hear the rumblings at night. It was beautiful! We hiked some hanging bridges and went to the hot springs. The last day of my parents trip we went to Acosta where they got to meet my host family there. The time flew by and we had a great time. I'm pretty sad to say goodbye to my parents, but I'll be home for a visit in the next few months. No more gringo vacations for me for a while.
Bye mom and dad!
Monday, April 12, 2010
Vacationing with Mom and Dad.
We are currently staying in Dominical at a really nice place on the beach. I can't imagine a more beautiful beach, there are waves breaking on the rocks, surfers and lots of natural beauty. I highly recommend Dominical. There are options for all kinds of budgets. We're going to stay here for another night before we head on North.
In other news, I've just about hit the half way mark of my Peace Corps service. Just a couple more days and I hit the down hill stretch. My official second year begins May 28th. Time really goes by fast!
Friday, March 26, 2010
Faces and Places of La Palma #3 – Playa Blanca

Playa Blanca is the white coral beach that is 3 Kilometers from where I live. I go there almost every day, on bike it's about 10 min away. The beach is beautiful and there are ofter dolphins and whales visible (so I'm told, they always seem to be hiding from me). The beach is surrounded by a manglar forest as well as palm trees and almond trees. There is a lot of bio diversity and each day one can see many Scarlet Macaws, Ibis', hawks, etc. There is place to camp right on the beach, if anyone is interested in doing some camping on the beach it's both beautiful and affordable, just let me know and I'll hook you up.


Monday, March 22, 2010
Commenting on blog posts
Here is just a little scoop for now, I have now adopted a little kitten that I've named Tigre and the dog that I had was returned to his owners. The zoo continues. The rabbit and cat are friends and cat especially like my host families dog. We're just one big happy family.
My parents will be here in a week and I'm super excited to see them. We'll be traveling around for the next week seeing many sites in CR and spending a lot of time on the peninsula so they can really get to know where and how I live. I'll get a faces/places up on Wed. when I'll be in SJ for a night.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Giving rabbits baths

Okay, so the computer lab that was going to built in January was then going to be built in March, now, I'm thinking June, if we're lucky. That's the way of the world here, one just has to deal with it. Guias y Scouts is moving right along. We had our first training the other day and are having a meeting in the next week to vote on our troupe number and the colors of our bandannas, it's kind of the first step to making it all a little less of an idea and more reality. I'm excited for the meeting. My parents are coming very soon and I'm really excited to get to show them my life here and show them how we do things Tico style.
I have some happy/sad news. My dog's owners came back for him so I no longer have a dog. I still however have Cadbury the rabbit. Here he is. Today I was forced to give him a bath. From experience I can now tell you, I don't think rabbits were intended to be bathed. He just looked so sad all wet and I actually thought for a second that I was killing him. So, if you have a rabbit that gets dirty, maybe just try and use a damp cloth to rub off some of the dirt. I'm still not entirely sure he's okay, it was seriously traumatic.
Here is a not so good pic of Deivin my boyfriend. I'll get a better one soon, but this is what I have for now.

English classes are starting soon. I'm sooooo sick of talking about them and having everyone and their mom talk to me all day about English classes. I just want to start so I can say, oh, sorry, we've already begun. Now before you start thinking "that doesn't seem very nice" well, just know that you are not understanding the situation fully. Maybe I'll write a blog on it...
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Quick update:
* I'm not entirely confident that we will be breaking ground with the computer lab this month (I was told March). Hopefully April...
* I'm thinking about trying to build a library, it's a possibility.
* English classes should start in the next couple of weeks, hopefully we will find a place to do it.
* As I was walking out the door to leave for San Jose on Monday another bat decided to move in with me, he was flying all around my head. I'll be forced to have my host dad kill him...
* A new group of 55 volunteers arrived last night. We're excited to no longer be the newbies and meet some new people, they make our super tiny worlds just a little bigger.
* I've recently read: Breaking Dawn, Redeeming Love and Captivating, all really good books.
* Rabbit is still alive and growing and my new dog friend likes to go on runs with me and follow me everywhere I go. Good stuff.
Monday, March 1, 2010
Faces and Places of La Palma # 2 – Meet Louisa, my host mom

Louisa is a very incredible woman. Pretty much all on her own she runs the cabinas, has a sewing business and a little cafe for the the guests of the cabinas. She manages all of this while assisting with the other family businesses (the buses and the micro bus taxi). I've really learned a lot from Louisa, she is so generous, strict and knows how to have a good laugh. On more than one occasion I've heard her say “What's the hurry, there's more time than life”, how true is that? Whenever I need anything or am thinking about buying anything in town or out of town for that matter, I go to Louisa first to see what she has to say, she know everyone and just about everything in La Palma. I would rarely leave the house if it weren't for Louisa and Bereno. If I see them doing something, I'll at least try it, if I see that they aren't doing something, I make sure why before I try anything. They know their stuff. Next Blog, I'd like to show you how we make Coffee Costa Rica style, it's so easy, economical and environmental and to top it all off, I think the coffee tastes better this way... Coming soon.
Oh, in other news, I think I just may have myself a dog now. I found him the other day and after running around all day trying to find his owner, he decided he was mine. I'll post a pic if he sticks around, I'm turning into Dr. Doolittle here with my many animal friends.
Friday, February 19, 2010
Bunnies, boyfriend and bats
So, for valentines day Deivin comes over to my house after he get's off work and tells me that he has a surprise for me. I'm thinking, oh, how nice, a surprise. He says it's something to keep me company when he can't be with me. I'm thinking, okay.... Then he hands me a gift bag. I look in the bag and suddenly a little white rabbit pops it's head out of the bag and scares the crap out of me! I almost threw the bag across the room, it's a good thing Deivin still had a hold on the bag, otherwise the bunny would have had a wild ride. So, I collect myself and meet my new rabbit friend. I've never had a rabbit before and I don't think I had every planned on having one, but we're working out. I got him a nice little cage and named him cadbury. I let him run free in the house in the mornings and he's actually pretty cool, he's used to humans and runs around. What did I get Deivin you ask? I'll tell you, I made him some brownies... Okay, that's a quick update. I'm sure you are sitting here wondering Boyfriend, when, how? Well, I don't have enough time for that. Another day. God bless.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Another quick report.
Friday, January 22, 2010
Faces and Places of La Palma #1 – Meet Bereno!

Thursday, January 21, 2010
What a difference a trip home can make
I'm officially moved into my new little house here are some pics “Cribs Style”
This is my little green house from the front. I love my little house!
Kitchen/living room area.
My bed room. I just bought the mattress and it's been so nice to have a comfy bed!
Also, I don't know how it happened, but I hadn't been here for a full 24 hours and suddenly I had meetings to go to and a group that actually wanted to work with me. I've had a meeting every day since I've been here and spent all day Monday in Golfito (that is where all the governmental work is done) and the development association and I were able to get a ton of work done. Now it's looking like we are going to get the computers after all. I had given up on it, but now that I have some people to work with, I think it's going to happen.
Okay, so I'm going to start a new series in the blog called the Faces and Places of La Palma. I'll try introduce you all to the people in my life and the places so that everyone can have a better idea what life is like here. More to come on that. God is good and he change a situation over night, you just have to wait on Him. His timing now ours.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
I'm baaaack!
I'm excited to be back and to get started again. I'm hoping that my new house will provide me with some much needed privacy and tranquility. I'm hoping Guias y Scouts is able to start up soon and I hope to be able to pick up my friendships that we forming where they left off. After 3 weeks of eating a ton of yummy holiday treats and gringo food, I'm also ready to get back on track with eating healthy and working out.